Contents (Click links to jump scroll.)
Part 1 – What is the IPCC and why are their reports so important?
► Intro
► What is the IPCC?
► Why are the IPCC reports so important?
► More
Part 2 – climateye’s 12 essential takeaways from the first instalment of the latest uber IPCC climate report, and criticisms of its many, soon to be catastrophically evident, underestimates
Part 3 – Summaries of problems with IPCC reports, +2°C, and the global carbon ‘budget’
This is a bigger compilation than usual (and in several parts) because there’s a lot that’s more than a little problematic about the IPCC‘s cautious, conservative, flawed, consensus / lowest common denominator-limited conclusions, and the long-pervasive, political, arbitrarily chosen, profit and delay-motivated 2°C (3.6°F) ‘danger threshold’ / ‘Global Carbon Budget’ CON JOB.
But first, a bit about what the IPCC is, and why their reports are so important / influential.
Short for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, their major assessment reports come out in several parts over the course of a year every 6 (5-7) years, or so (the last one was in 2007/2008). And they do other ‘special’ ones on a smaller, more focused scale, too, from time to time. (See: collected publications and data reports.)
“Set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) at the request of member governments, its mission: To assess “the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its causes, potential impacts and response strategies.” (Quoted from this David Suzuki post.)
They are, without exception, the most comprehensive global overview of thousands of peer-reviewed climate science papers and other authoritative studies (published prior to the March 31, 2013, cut-off date), and their conclusions are gauged in language of certainty / uncertainty.
To scientists, the content reads like all the bad stuff out of the Old Testament, but, to the rest of us, without any of the passion, flare or entertainment value!
The first of the 2013/2014 reports, released in September, 2013, examined the current science of climate ‘change’ (or, for anyone old enough to dress themselves, climate ‘breakdown’, ‘disruption’, ‘destabilization’) and was titled: IPCC Working Group 1 Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) — Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis (PDF, 28 pages).
Part 2 (March, 2014) will look at impacts. Part 3 (April, 2014) will propose strategies to deal with the ‘problem’ (or, for those of us already in the know about the whole Santa Clause / Easter Bunny reuse, ‘epic global crisis and dire threat to most life within decades‘), with a fourth, a synthesis of all three chapters, to be released in October, 2014.
2,000 scientists were voluntarily involved, along with experts from business, industry and environmental organizations.
9,200 scientific publications cited. 54,000-plus comments considered. Endorsed by 110 countries / governments. Authors also include experts from business, industry and environmental organisations with a scientific or academic background.
“In other words, it’s perhaps the biggest and most rigorous process of peer review conducted in any scientific field, at any point in human history.” ~ G. Monbiot, The Guardian
If you’re into numbers, here are some more. And here’s the 127-page Technical Supplement and full 2,216+page report!
Don’t have a spare month (or potent enough drugs) to get through it all? Then you might prefer the 2-page Headline Statements PDF, or 3-page Press Release PDF.
See more resources at the bottom of this post.
- Fact Sheets – What is the IPCC?
- Article – What is the IPCC and why does it matter? TckTckTck.org
- Article – WTF is the IPCC? John Upton, Grist
Why are the IPCC Reports so Important?
Epic in their scale, scope, consensus-based standard and method of scrutiny, and line-by-line intergovernmental approval (of the SPMs, Summaries for Policymakers), since inception, the IPCC reports have been the primary basis for policymakers, politicians, governments and business leaders in the development of corporate strategies, all international (U.N.) climate negotiations and, now, toward a (supposed) new climate deal in 2015. (See: Compilation: UN climate talks: Betrayal of life.)
But the IPCC reports are also important in some very unfortunate ways…
1) For the most part, IPCC reports continue to be the agreed upon international parameter of consideration for most of the entities noted above, despite considerable evidence, both modeled and observed, that the uncertain influence of feedback mechanisms / imminence of multiple tipping points (3 of 9 planetary boundaries are already thought to have been passed), the risk of irreversible, ‘runaway‘ momentum and potential sudden, abrupt climate shifts, and the clear, present, acceleration of dangerous impacts that are in advanced stages RIGHT NOW, are all far more immediate and dire threats than the IPCC presents.
2) Contrary to the profound alarm that many well-intentioned participants in the IPCC process feel and seek to communicate, their cautious, conservative, flawed, consensus-based / lowest common denominator and, in large part, out-dated by the time of publication conclusions (based on the boundaries of their mandate, the cut-off date for submissions, political / corporate pressure / influence, denier intimidation, and decisions to exclude key feedback, or self-reinforcing, potential ‘runaway‘, mechanisms in their calculations — like the hyper-potent threat posed by accelerated methane release from permafrost melt, for example) have served as useful impediments to delay the emergency action at emergency speed necessary to confront the climate crisis.
3) The urgency with which we must transform away from burned, carbon-sourced energy is incompatible with the ‘business as usual‘, endless, unsustainable growth and consumption-reliant, short-term profit and delay-motivated, market mechanism-biased, fossil fuel-addicted / greenhouse gas-intensive global economic paradigm / pathology that the IPCC has been beholden to reinforce.
4) The IPCC’s primary focus has been on methods of adaptation and mitigation, NOT the essential principles of precaution and risk aversion. Watch this video that went viral a few years ago for a brief (9:34) tutorial that sums up the importance of this point pretty well.
And from Wikipedia:
“The precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking an action.”
“The principle is used by policy makers to justify discretionary decisions in situations where there is the possibility of harm from taking a particular course or making a certain decision when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking. The principle implies that there is a social responsibility to protect the public from exposure to harm, when scientific investigation has found a plausible risk. These protections can be relaxed only if further scientific findings emerge that provide sound evidence that no harm will result.”
If there’s one thing the new IPCC report DOES make even more clear, it’s that there is no lack of scientific consensus about the existence of global ‘warming’ (heating) and climate ‘change’ (breakdown, disruption, destabilization). It is “unequivocal”, the report states, and humanity is to blame for most of it.
In fact, it concluded with 95% certainty (“extremely likely”, the scientific ‘gold standard’, and as certain that smoking causes cancer) that human influence — greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, the impacts of deforestation, etc. — “has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” (SPM page 2.) Up from 90% certainty in AR4 2007, 65% in TAR 2001, 50% in SAR 1995.
So now that the pesky ‘burden of proof’ the quote above mentions is no longer in question (and hasn’t been for years), there can be no excuse — NONE — for the principles of precaution and risk aversion to be ignored.
More about this in the short list of links below, and in the many linked articles / summaries at the bottom of this post (about 8 inches further down, or click here to jump).
What is the IPCC?
- Fact Sheets – What is the IPCC?
- Article – What is the IPCC and why does it matter? TckTckTck.org
- Article – WTF is the IPCC? John Upton, Grist
- Q&A – IPCC climate report: Your questions answered, A.. Vaughan, The Guardian
- Summary – 2013 IPCC climate report: Your guide, New Scientist
Selected articles and posts
- About the 2013/2014 IPCC report – General
- Collected – Articles about the IPCC report(s), The Guardian
- Post – The IPCC: “All about modelling, not about protecting the Earth”, J. Johnston, Greenhearted
- Post – What does new IPCC report say? S. Easterbrook, Serendipity
- Article – IPCC report: 4 futures of environment and society, C. Brahic, NS
- Article – IPCC report shows action on climate change is critical, Suzuki, DSF
- Post – IPCC warns methane traps much more heat than we thought, Romm, CP
- Article – Climate change? Try catastrophic climate breakdown, Monbiot, Guardian
- Article – IPCC report: The digested read, D. Carrington, J. Vidal, Guardian
- Interactive – Climate change: How hot in my lifetime? D. Clark, Guardian
- Article – IPCC: 30 years to climate calamity, Fiona Harvey, The Guardian
- Post – 15 things you should know about the new IPCC report, R. Koronowski, CP
- Post – 6 scary conclusions in the new climate report, C. Mooney, Mother Jones
- Post – Alarming IPCC prognosis: 9F warming for U.S., faster sea rise, more extreme weather permafrost collapse, Joe Romm, CP
- Post – Climate projections more confident, dire from IPCC, A. Freedman, CC
- Post – 5 most sobering charts from the IPCC climate report, A. Freedman, CC
- Article – CO2 reshaping the planet, meta-analysis confirms, Stephen Leahy, IPS
- Post – The new IPCC climate report, Stefan, RealClimate.org
- Numbers – IPCC report by the numbers, G. Readfern, The Guardian
- About the supposed ‘Global Carbon Budget’
- Post – Confused about the new IPCC’s carbon budget? So am I, D. Spratt, CCR
- Post – IPCC report contains ‘grave’ carbon budget message, A. Freedman, CC
- Post – ‘CO2 emissions budget framing is recipe for delaying concrete action now’, CP
- Article – Canada in the era of unburnable carbon, Stephen Leahy, DeSmog Canada
- Article – UN climate report to establish ‘global carbon budget’, E. King, RTCC.org
- About the supposed global warming “pause” / “slowdown”
- Post – Global warming, asteroid impacts, laws of physics, M. Boslough, Huffpost
- Post – Who created the global warming “pause”? Chris Mooney, Grist
- Article – Global warming pause is a mirage: the science is clear and the threat is real, Damian Carrington, The Guardian
- Article – Is global warming really slowing down? Chris Mooney, Mother Jones
- Post – Faux pause: Ocean warming, sea level rise and polar ice melt speed up, surface warming to follow, Joe Romm, CP
- Post – Media overlooking 90% of global warming, D. Nuccitelli, Skeptical Science
- Lead up to report
- Article – What 95% certainty of warming means to scientists, Seth Borenstein, AP
- Post – Experts eye IPCC reform as report nears release, A. Freedman, CC
- Post – Hansen report: Climate sensitivity is high, burning of all fossil fuels would make most of planet ‘uninhabitable’, Joe Romm, CP
- Article – Climate change to have double impact: New research shows traditional IPCC models could be underestimating global warming due to feedbacks, The Guardian
- Article – 3 mistakes the media are making about the new climate change report, Laura McDonald, Alternatives Journal
- Article – Ahead of IPCC climate report, skeptic groups launch global anti-science campaign, Katherine Bagley, InsideClimateNews.org
- Post – Denier ‘intimidation tactics’ move IPCC to lowball sea level rise and climate sensitivity? Joe Romm, CP
- Article – A climate alarm, too muted for some, Justin Gillis, NY Times
- Post – Climate scientists erring on side of least drama, Dana Nuccitelli, SkepticalScience.com
- Post- New IPCC report: Climatologists even more certain global warming is caused by humans, impacts speeding up, Joe Romm, CP
- Article – What zombie films tell us about climate change: there’s no one happy ending, Christopher Shaw, The Guardian
- Web page – The 2 degree story in 5 easy steps, C. Shaw, DangerousLimits.org
- Post – IPCC’s planned obsolescence: 5th assessment report will ignore crucial permafrost carbon feedback, Joe Romm, CP
- Post – Report: 7 reasons climate change ‘even worse than we thought’, Romm, CP
- Report – 7 reasons climate change is even worse than we thought, New Scientist
- Post – The IPCC lowballs likely impacts with its instantly out-of-date reports and is clearly clueless on messaging — Should it be booted, or just rebooted? Romm, CP
- Article – IPCC report shows action on climate change is critical, David Suzuki, DSF
- Article – Canada in the era of unburnable carbon, Stephen Leahy, DeSmog Cda
- Article – IPCC Report: Canada at greater risk from climate change, R. Aulakh, TStar
- Article – Carbon budget = harsh reality check for Cdn investors, Marc Lee, G&M
- Article – Climate change will be felt strongly in Canada, Wingrove, Koring, G&M
- Article – Climate change report sparks partisan attacks, B. Cheadle, MacLean’s
- Article – Global warming ‘extremely likely’ to be man-made, UN panel says, CBC
- Article – Climate change report’s ‘temperature hiatus’ fuels skeptics, CBC
- Article – IPCC report: Canada at greater risk from climate change, R. Aulakh, TStar
- Report – IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5)
- IPCC Working Group 1 Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) — Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis (PDF, 28 pages)
- Collected – IPCC Publications and data reports
- Website – IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
- Press release
- Headline Statements from the summary for policy makers
- Post – Hansen report: Climate sensitivity is high, burning of all fossil fuels would make most of planet ‘uninhabitable’, Joe Romm, CP
- Article – Climate change to have double impact: Traditional IPCC models could be underestimating global warming due to feedbacks, Nafeez Ahmed, The Guardian
- Report – Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide, The Royal Society, Hansen
- Report – Erring on the side of least drama, Brysse et al, ScienceDirect.com
- Report – 7 reasons climate change is even worse than we thought, New Scientist
- Compilation – Summary of March 09 ’emergency’ climate conference, Copenhagen
- IPCC Reports – Fourth Assessment Report (AR4, 2007/2008)
- IPCC Reports – Third Assessment Report (TAR, 2001)
- IPCC Reports – Second Assessment Report (SAR, 1995)
- IPCC Reports – Supplementary reports (1992)
- IPCC Reports – First Assessment Report (FAR, 1990)
Related climateye compilations
- Compilation – +4C by 2060s or sooner incompatible with organized civilization
- Compilation – EMERGENCY human impact reports expose the greatest crime against humanity, most life and most future life EVER
- Compilation: Dr. James Hansen and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation – Arctic meltdown / methane time bomb and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation – Plan B 4.0: “We only have months, not years, to save civilization from climate change, Lester Brown
- Compilation – Summary of March 09 ’emergency’ climate conference, Copenhagen
- Compilation – Big banks, markets and business as usual, or; The systemic inequity/corruption of our suicidal, growth-reliant, fossil fuel-addicted global economy
- Compilation – Geoengineering and the global climate EMERGENCY
climateye’s most essential info