After you’ve checked out climateye 101, the compilations below are intended to provide expanded detail on the most essential threats and concerns. What follows is an in ongoing, in progress, best sources, need-to-know, all-in-one per category, quick reference resource. Check back for updates!
Updated: May 27, 2017
Latest | Featured
- Compilation: COP20 UN Lima Climate Summit 2014: Betrayal of Life
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation: The sixth ‘great’ mass extinction, wildlife population decimation, biodiversity liquidation and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: People’s Climate March, Flood Wall Street, September 2014 UN Climate Summit, New York City
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (especially Part 3)
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Greenland ice sheet melt and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Antarctica ice sheet melt and the global Climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Ocean circulation disruption and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Sea level rise, commitment, acceleration and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Geoengineering and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Arctic meltdown / methane time bomb and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: COP19 Warsaw UN Climate Summit 2013: Betrayal of life
TOP 22
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (especially Part 3)
- Compilation: COP19 Warsaw UN Climate Summit 2013: Betrayal of life
- Compilation: +4°C by 2060s or sooner catastrophic / incompatible with organized civilization
- Compilation: EMERGENCY human impact reports expose the greatest crime against humanity, most life and future life EVER
- Compilation: The sixth ‘great’ mass extinction, wildlife population decimation, biodiversity liquidation and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Arctic meltdown / methane time bomb and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Ocean acidification and the global climate emergency
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Sea level rise, commitment, acceleration and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Food / agriculture & climate emergency
- Compilation: Geoengineering and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Big banks, markets & business as usual, OR; The systemic inequity / corruption of our suicidal, growth-reliant, fossil fuel-addicted global economy
- Compilation: Obscene fossil fuel industry profits, perverse gov’t subsidies a betrayal of life
- Compilation: The war on science and the global climate EMERGENCY, or; The betrayal of life by fossil fuel industry-influenced and funded deception networks, puppets, ideologues to muzzle, discredit, intimidate experts, lie to the public and deny physics
- Compilation: Dr. James Hansen and the global climate EMERGENCY or: Recipe for disaster, NOT salvation
- Compilation: Plan B 4.0: “We only have months, not years, to save civilization from climate change, Lester Brown
- Compilation: Peak oil featuring Richard Heinberg: Life After Growth
- Compilation: Car ‘culture’ and the global climate EMERGENCY or: “From the beginning of your work day, to the end of the world, Chevy runs deep.”
- Compilation: Aviation and the global climate EMERGENCY or: The single largest personal climate impact we can avoid; FLIGHTS KILL – DO NOT FLY
- Compilation: Psychology of climate crisis denial, inaction, immobilization
- Compilation: The less and less-Great Lakes and the global climate EMERGENCY, or; The precious freshwater resources we travel like freeways and treat like toilets that are in a perilous annual down trend of evaporation RIGHT NOW
- Compilation: Tar sands kill – Facts & resources
+2°C (3.6°F) ‘Danger Threshold’ (CON JOB)
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (especially Part 3)
- Hansen: Re-thinking a “safe climate”: Have we already gone too far? David Spratt
- Plan B 4.0: Months, not years to save civilization from climate change, Lester Brown
- Race for survival or sprint to extinction? A summary of the March 2009 ‘Emergency’ Climate Conference in Copenhagen (before the December 2009 debacle) that concludes the world is already committed to a near future +2.4C average temp increase)
+4C by 2060s or Sooner
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation – +4C by 2060s or sooner catastrophic / incompatible with organized civilization
Abrupt Climate ‘Change’ (breakdown, disruption, destabilization)
Amazon Rainforest Dieback
Antarctica Ice Sheet Melt
- Compilation: Antarctica ice sheet melt and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Sea level rise, commitment, acceleration and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY, or: The reality that’s ALREADY upon us and how planetary catastrophe could follow (as it has in the past) over time frames as brief as a few years
- Compilation: Catastrophic Arctic ‘death spiral’ meltdown / imminent mass methane (super potent greenhouse / heat-trapping gas) ‘time bomb’ release and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Ocean circulation disruption and the global climate EMERGENCY
Arctic Meltdown
- Compilation: Catastrophic Arctic ‘death spiral’ meltdown / imminent mass methane (super potent greenhouse / heat-trapping gas) ‘time bomb’ release and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Greenland ice sheet melt and the global climate EMERGENCY
Bee Die-off
Car ‘Culture’
Carbon Budget (CON JOB)
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 1: IPCC reports, the +2°C (+3.6°F) danger threshold / carbon budget CON JOB and the global climate EMERGENCY – What is the IPCC and why are their reports so important?
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 2: climateye’s 12 most essential takeways from instalment one of the latest uber IPCC climate report, and criticisms of its many, soon to be catastrophically evident, underestimates
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 3: Problems with IPCC reports, and why the supposed +2°C danger threshold / carbon budget frame is ALREADY catastrophically assured to be the greatest collective fraud / betrayal ever perpetrated against humanity and most life
- GLOBAL EMERGENCY NOW: Latest (conservative!) climate models project prolonged WORLDWIDE DROUGHTS by 2020s
- Compilation: Amazon rainforest dieback and the global climate EMERGENCY, or: 2nd, more severe drought in 5 years equals massive CO2 release / fears of up to 85 per cent dieback this century
Extinctions, Wildlife Population Decline, Biodiversity Loss
- Compilation: The sixth ‘great’ mass extinction, wildlife population decimation, biodiversity liquidation and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Mass bee die-off and the global climate EMERGENCY, or; The indispensable pollinators of a lot of our food and linchpins in the interconnectedness of our insane, unsustainable system of global agriculture are in peril RIGHT NOW
- Compilation: Food / agriculture & climate emergency
- Compilation: Mass bee die-off and the global climate EMERGENCY, or; The indispensable pollinators of a lot of our food and linchpins in the interconnectedness of our insane, unsustainable system of global agriculture are in peril RIGHT NOW
Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing)
Great Lakes
Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- Compilation: Greenland ice sheet melt and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Catastrophic Arctic ‘death spiral’ meltdown / imminent mass methane (super potent greenhouse / heat-trapping gas) ‘time bomb’ release and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Sea level rise, commitment, acceleration and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY, or: The reality that’s ALREADY upon us and how planetary catastrophe could follow (as it has in the past) over time frames as brief as a few years
- Compilation: Ocean circulation disruption and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Age of economic growth: Over!
- Barlow: Urgent call to unite toward ‘a whole different economic, trade, development model’
Human Impact
Idle No More (INM)
IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 1: IPCC reports, the 2°C (3.6°F) danger threshold / carbon budget CON JOB and the global climate EMERGENCY – What is the IPCC and why are their reports so important?
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 2: climateye’s 12 most essential takeways from instalment one of the latest uber IPCC climate report, and criticisms of its many, soon to be catastrophically evident, underestimates
- Compilation: CON JOB – Part 3: Problems with IPCC reports, and why the supposed +2°C danger threshold / carbon budget frame is ALREADY catastrophically assured to be the greatest collective fraud / betrayal ever perpetrated against humanity and most life
- 2007 IPCC reports: Dangerous, outdated underestimates of the present state and accelerating pace of global climate disruption
- EMERGENCY: Instead of peak/reverse necessary to prevent runaway climate disruption, record 2010 emissions higher than 2007 IPCC’s worst-case scenario(!)
- Models guiding climate policy ‘dangerously optimistic’
James Hansen
- Compilation: Dr. James Hansen and the global climate EMERGENCY or: Recipe for disaster, NOT salvation
- Hansen: Re-thinking a “safe climate”: Have we already gone too far? David Spratt
Jet Stream Disruption
Methane Time Bomb
Nuclear Energy
Ocean Acidification
- Compilation: Ocean acidification and the global climate emergency
- Shocking report exposes ocean EMERGENCY: Must achieve zero CO2 emissions within 20 yrs, remove gasses from air, experts
- GLOBAL EMERGENCY NOW: Mass base life die-off threatens survival of most life on Earth!
Ocean Circulation / Current Disruption
- Compilation: Ocean circulation disruption and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY, or: The reality that’s ALREADY upon us and how planetary catastrophe could follow (as it has in the past) over time frames as brief as a few years
Occupy Movement
Peak Oil
- GLOBAL EMERGENCY NOW: Mass base life die-off threatens survival of most life on Earth!
- Compilation: Ocean acidification and the global climate emergency
Science Censorship
Sea Level Rise
- Compilation: Sea level rise, commitment, acceleration and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Catastrophic Arctic ‘death spiral’ meltdown / imminent mass methane (super potent greenhouse / heat-trapping gas) ‘time bomb’ release and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Greenland ice sheet melt and the global climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Antarctica ice sheet melt and the global Climate EMERGENCY
- Compilation: Ocean circulation disruption and the global climate EMERGENCY
Seismic Activity
Soil Degradation
- Coming soon!
Tar Sands
- Compilation: Tar sands kill – Facts & resources
- Compilation: Alberta to East Coast Via Enbridge Line 9 pipeline flow reversal from Sarnia ON to Montreal QC, climate & environmental CRIMELINE
- Compilation: Alberta to B.C. coast Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline/CRIMELINE
- Compilation: Alberta to Texas Keystone XL pipeline, climate & environmental CRIMELINE
Tipping Points
- Compilation: The threat of sudden / abrupt system shifts / tips / flips and the global climate EMERGENCY, or: The reality that’s ALREADY upon us and how planetary catastrophe could follow (as it has in the past) over time frames as brief as a few years
- Hansen: Re-thinking a “safe climate”: Have we already gone too far? David Spratt
- Plan B 4.0: Months, not years to save civilization from climate change, Lester Brown
UN Climate Summits
- Compilation: COP20 UN Lima Climate Summit 2014: Betrayal of Life
- Compilation: People’s Climate March, Flood Wall Street, September 2014 UN Climate Summit, New York City
- Compilation: Climate EMERGENCY Countdown Public Forum, Toronto
- Compilation: COP19 Warsaw UN Climate Summit 2013: Betrayal of Life
- Compilation: COP18 Doha UN Climate Summit 2012: Betrayal of life
- Compilation: Rio+20 UN Earth Summit: The future written-off to privatize/commodify nature for profit, betray life and just sit around talk’n!
- Compilation: COP17 Durban UN Climate Summit 2011: Betrayal of life
- Compilation: COP16 Cancun UN Climate Summit 2010 (not completed)
- 3 months later: Collected reflections on COP15
- Compilation: COP15 Copenhagen UN Climate Summit 2009: First take compilation/post-mortem
Water Scarcity
An ongoing educational awareness project sponsored by the Tooker Gomberg Greenspiration Fund.