Australia Essential article: Re-thinking a “safe climate”: Have we already gone too far? David Spratt admin
Antarctica meltdown Compilation: Dr. James Hansen and the global climate EMERGENCY or: Recipe for disaster, NOT salvation admin
Best of blogeye Conservative Energy Agency’s warning that ‘lock in’ to irreversible climate change only 5 years away far too optimistic; reality even more dire admin
Best of blogeye EMERGENCY: Instead of peak / reverse necessary to prevent runaway climate disruption, record 2010 emissions higher than IPCC’s worst-case scenario(!) admin
Australia Global carbon budget to avoid irreversible climate tipping points to be exceeded by 2021 or sooner! admin
Australia 2 new Greenpeace reports: Only EMERGENCY global action can avoid runaway climate chaos admin
Climate emergency ecoSanity’s urgent appeal to ‘Emergency’ Int’l Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen admin