Arctic meltdown Compilation: Catastrophic Arctic ‘death spiral’ meltdown / imminent mass methane ‘time bomb’ release and the global climate EMERGENCY admin
Best of blogeye VIDEO: Dangerous climate change, myths and realities, D. Spratt, Climate Code Red admin
Best of blogeye Compilation: CON JOB – Part 3: Problems with IPCC reports, and why the supposed +2°C danger threshold / carbon budget frame is ALREADY catastrophically assured to be the greatest collective fraud / betrayal ever perpetrated against humanity and most life admin
Anthropocene Compilation: Geoengineering and the global climate EMERGENCY, or; Painted into a soon to be catastrophic corner, and ALREADY beyond the point of reasonable options, EMERGENCY, least-worst alternatives must be contemplated on a massive scale FAST admin
Best of blogeye Compilation: CON JOB – Part 2: climateye’s 12 most essential takeaways from instalment one of the latest uber IPCC climate report, and criticisms of its many, soon to be catastrophically evident, underestimates admin
Barack Obama Compilation: Alberta to Texas Keystone XL Pipeline, climate & environmental CRIMELINE admin